Don't Suffer Anymore: Say Goodbye To Chronic Pain In Minutes! 

Opioid-like Relief Without The Legal Problems Or Overdose Risk Associated With Street Or Prescription Opiates

Imagine ingesting a simple pill that diminishes pain at the source.

The best part is that it's completely safe.

It sounds like something from a sci-fi movie, right? And if you’ve been struggling with chronic pain, it just sounds like a dream…

But 2024 is here. There’s a newly formulated pill that can help ease pain because it mimics prescription opiates without the nasty side effects or addiction that comes with it.

In fact, some are calling it the best biohack in the pain management space.

​Don’t believe me? I don’t blame you. When I first heard about it, I didn’t believe it either.

What is this powerful supplement?

  • CBD capsules per package: 75
  • CBD per capsule: approx 300mg per capsule
  • Active Ingredient: Mitragynine
  • ​Other Ingredients: Gelatin Caps
It’s called Green Street C.B.D, and it’s an absolute game-changer for people with chronic pain.

It’s a newly formulated pill that contains mitragynine, an ingredient that provides opioid-like relief without the legal problems or overdose risk associated with street or prescription opiates.

Many are saying this is the best opiate alternative of the 21st century. The mitragynine and four related alkaloids bind to and partially activate human µ-opioid receptors (MORs), the primary targets of potent opioids in the brain, spinal cord, and gastrointestinal tract.

​Mitragynine has been commonly used in Southeast Asia for centuries; it’s been little known to the US until now.

How Does it Work?

Pain is the result of electrical signals being sent to your brain…

Due to the body noticing there is no opiate attached to the receptor.

Mitragynine binds to opiate receptors as a partial antagonist, meaning it won’t cause intense feelings of euphoria or dangerous effects like respiratory depression like full antagonists. Still, it will “turn off” your pain like a light switch – providing fast relief.

Mitragynine also helps you to relax your nervous system and to allow you to fall into a deep state of relaxation.

When that occurs, your heartbeat can slow, and your cortisol levels drop.

​Sounds crazy, I know. A little pill does what? But the results are undeniable – I assure you.

Easily Alleviate Your Pain, But Also...

It’s common for customers to have anxiety, depression, and other symptoms.

Studies have shown mitragynine helps people recover from significant depression and feel much happier.

​Red Bali has been a miracle that has given thousands of people their lives back.

Where Can I Get Green Street C.B.D?

Click the red button below to claim your special internet-only offer of a FREE Green Street C.B.D. when you buy one before supplies are gone. ONLY pay shipping to try it today...
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Before considering any supplement, including Green Street, it's crucial to prioritize your health and safety.
C.B.D. products are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and their safety and efficacy are still being researched.
It's a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking other medications.
Your healthcare provider can provide personalized advice based on your unique health situation.